Good evening beautiful people!
I got through eleven hours of working as a slave today. So I have -maybe not that- fresh but still some conclusive steps to reach the position as an A.H.
One of them was a simple thought I got while I was smoking and waiting for the bus which was 10 minutes late to work.
I did some research to find a hot source for the first step that I very soon will bring up. Unfortunately our good friend Wikipedia, didn't have a good answer to my question, cause I wanted to have a certain name. So we just go straight ahead.
- First of all you come to the very amazing point, which all of us come to once in a while that: people are idiots. You can do everything to them and then blame it on them that it was their responsibility to don't listen to other people. When you have managed to get to know these idiots, you create the Cigarette. You know right from the start that this shit will trick millions of people around the world. Then who's the one making shit load of money on it? You. You choose the perfect disease. You're not a A.H junior anymore. Now you have the biggest Asshole position no one could ever have. You don't kill people. You torture them slowly untill they die a very painful dead. Not only that, also the psychological fact behind your thought. The fact that these idiots will have hard time quitting this shit. They will become the society's pain in the ass while you're shitting gold in your golden bathroom. Congratulation! You were and will always be one of the biggest Asshole this world has to offer!
I also got some yummy information about a mini A.H today. This is how you do to become him:
- You own a restaurant or a coffee shop. You make already shit load of money cause the place you have is very central and popular. You force your employees to don't eat cookies or anything that has been broken and can't be sold. You don't want your employees to throw the cookie if it's useless. Instead you give them your order that they should give the cookie to you. You have now two choices:
1- you eat the cookie yourself. 2. YOU throw it away. You're now very good at forcing people, giving them order, making them feel like they are under you and you're the king and you are just an...asshole. Move on like this untill you're the one on top of the worlds biggest assholes!
Thanks, much love / Wannabe A.H
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